Monday, June 14, 2010

Meet Brock now!

It has come to my attention that I need to update my blog. It still gets alot of hits which surprises me some what...but then it doesn't really as I know my kids is really beautiful. Brock is now not just 5 but 5 1/2 and please don't forget the 1/2 it is really important. He is a lover of all things his brother can do...he is 5 1/2 going on 11. Brock loves to swim and build legos with his brother. This year he has learned to read small books, count to 100 and write his name. He is ready for kindergarten in the fall and so in Mama! He also learned to swim like a champ after one month of lessons. We are pretty proud. As far as his cleft goes we are looking good. His front teeth are a mess and we do quarterly visits with a dentist. His speech is good...some times he says things funny but nothing more than is age related. Cosmetically I think the scaring is worse as he grows and his nose looks flat but we are not going to do anything more to him surgically until he wants it done. Less is more in the cosmetic department the less work done now the less scar tissue and a better repair when he is an adult. Enjoy the pictures!


Blogger Jackie said...

Brock looks wonderful. I'm taking some time to visit all the blogs I've linked to from Emily's blog - I miss the support system and want to see how everyone's doing. I'm going to show Emily pictures of Brock because she's at an age where she feels like she's the only one in the world with a cleft. I want her to know she's not alone - and there are lots of beautiful kids out there (just look at Brock!) who have a cleft like her.

8:14 PM  

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